The Commercial

So far Donald Trump has not bought any commercial airtime. He has maintained his lead in the polls with the simple power of his name. That lead is slipping. I think Mr. Trump thinks he can manipulate the media and keep his name in the news without buying any airtime. I am hugely impressed that he has come this far without doing so. Of course he can afford to, and I suspect that he will do so. Not everybody watches Saturday Night Live.

One reason not to buy airtime is to not support MUD-PAC (that would be the Media Union Democrat – Political Alliance Cabal). The MUD-PAC sales pitch is to buy air time and they will spread your message, as you see fit. Whether you are selling cheerios, cars or political candidates, millions of people will get your message. Buy enough, and editorial content may also be influenced. How many times have I seen Hillary and the young girl talking about equal pay for women. Buying commercial airtime is essential for members of MUD-PAC to maintain their wealth and power.

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