The Hypersonic Bomb

They say Putin has the bomb, and it is hypersonic. That is why we are letting him do what he is doing. They said Sadam had the bomb too. He didn’t. I did not believe them then. I do not belive them now. That is my view of our unionized media. Leave our very own echo chamber and there is another story. We are being accused of ethnic genocide in Ukraine. We allegedly have dozens of secret biological warfare labs that we fund for research. It is for this reason that the Ukrainian people are being slaughtered. Personally I would need more proof than simple allegations. Yet there are probably millions of Russian and Chinese that believe these stories.

Our top politicians, on both sides, have had an inordinate interest in Ukrainian politics. Though now that I think about it, Paul Manofort was recommended to the Trump campaign by the mainstream. Manafort would bring gravitas to the campaign they said.. At the time I thought it was a sign of unity. Joe Biden was heavily involved in Ukrainian politics when he was Vice President. What are friends for?

When you expect the worst you will never be disappointed. I read that Putin is unafraid to use the bomb. Many expect him to use it. Conversely I read many stories comparing Putin and his supporters to Trump and his supporters. Trump Derangement Syndrome still reads its ugly head in our media. President Biden has been known to dish his own supporters if they do not agree with him, so when the media compares Putin to Trump, it is a bit unfair. Yet it has been done. I can imagine that if Joe was told there was a button that could eliminate Trump and his supporters, Joe would push it.

Fortunately people like Elon Musk have come to aid Ukraine. He is providing the Ukrainians with communication. I always had thought that the next big war would be digital. Guess I was wrong.

Things are only going to get worse before they get better. My only hope is the Russians take out Putin and replace him with someone more reasonable. We are a big beautiful world. It would be nice if we all got along. I can understand why Elon Musk wants to go to Mars. We are crazy down here.

Political Speech Is Not Protected

I recently did my annual retraining about protected rights. It was nice to learn that as an old person I could not be fired because of my age. It was also nice to learn that I could not be fired because I am a lesbian (don’t ask). Theoretically I could not be fired if my skin was orange.

Then there was a whole group of reasons of why people could be fired for the words they use. For example if you said mean things about me being an old orange skined lesbian you could get fired! And rightfully so. I am really just a young person hiding in an old person’s body.

I figured an old body was the best place to hid. People can be so mean. So what I did notice about all this training for protected rights, politics was not protected. It was even mentioned that political speech was not protected. Now they tell me! I have been writing about politics for more than six years. True you can say what you want, but you may not have a job the next day.

So what do I do next? Hit the publish button? In the past I depended on the censors to keep my out of trouble. They still may be. According to my stats the Chinese are the only ones reading what I write. So I usually have a observation to make when I write. The reason I write is because I may get into trouble if I say what observe. People can be very well trained to say what they are told to say.

Political winds change. Parties change power. My point is what is viewed as acceptable political commentary today, may not be acceptable tomorrow. It is rather unusual if political speech is actually free.

The Saber Not Rattled

About a month ago I had one of those oh oh moments. The Russians had been moving troops to the border of Ukraine. I did not think to much of it. Putin was known for testing the waters. A few counter moves would put him in his place. It was a traditional ritualistic Saber Rattling. The most famous resent example was Trump and Kim Jong-Un. My button is bigger than your button.

I found it odd that there was no counter saber rattling. The news was full of excuses. Ukraine was not part of NATO. Germany needed Russian oil. Russia had the bomb. Putin was rattling his saber and we, with the biggest Saber were silent. This was not going to be good. Someone needed to say to Putin that this was going to be a really bad idea. For whatever reason, nobody did.

Those that blame others are usually to blame. That goes double here. I usually try not to say bad things about people, and their views. I have been ridiculed for my political views many more times than I can count. So I really do not want to stoop to that level. What I will do is question whether they have the genetic capacity for intelligence.

We are in a slow decline, inflation, supply chain issues, rising crime, and now war. Yet it is always someone else’s fault. I make myself a cup of coffee in the morning and go to work. Life is still good. I hope that those that continue to blame others take notice. Hate is war, and war is not the solution.

The View From The Top

On the back of the dollar bill, if there still is such a thing, is an image of a floating pyramid with an eyeball on top. What does it mean? The influence of secret society? Or, much more simply, we are all stones that support the view from the top. We, as a country, are represented by the view from the top. It is why we are concerned about what the president sees. Even more importantly, what he, or soon she, looks at.

What leaders look at is telling. For it is what they care about. For example, do they look at ice cream cones, high end real estate, or the color of one’s skin. Maybe they are looking at the family legacy or the power of the dollar. It could be simply they are looking at the power of the pen. Some see the power of the stage, or a simple home. Occasionally someone may just fall into the job. Retribution or political gain is all some see. Then again it could just be all about good looks and personality. That is about as far back as I go, this is just my view on what I think they thought about. Before then war is what it was all about. Could be my life is coming full circle.

What our leaders see motivates the direction of of the country. When they are running for the office try and pay attention to what they are looking at. For what they care about effects us all. That is if we still have a choice in the matter.

It’s Your War

Remember when your view of politics was filled with hate? Any view other than yours was deplorable, if not much worse. Yes, I remember the the names you called me. I can easily recall the re-education camps you sent me to. Of course we have now come to the logical outcome. War.

It is so sad, and predictable. Sure you will deflect blame, it is what you do. It is the nature of a control freak. Maybe I should be a little more specific on whom I am talking about. I am talking about those that disproved of my political views. As I have chronicled, discussions were not allowed. If you had an alternative view, and were willing to accept my view, and discuss the differences, you are exempt from my blanket condemnation.

When it comes to Liberalism, I think different. I may be part of your world, but I do not believe. I do not believe because the outcome is cruel unjustified war. We could be making our own energy, yet we insist on buying energy to support injustice. You make up your own selfish rules to benefit yourselves at the expense of others.

Simply, when everything is a lie the truth cannot be tolerated. That is where we are operating today. However it is evident that word salad just does not cut it. The world is filled with good and bad people. When the bad people are in charge, bad things happen. That is judgment passed.

You may say that I should have told you. I tried to say, yet your mind was made up. I have my limits. I would not go past them. Could be I am a bad communicator. However I am not in charge. There should have been some clear communication that war is a bad thing. There was not.

Of course actions speak louder than words. Currently the high price of oil supports war. The price of oil is artificially high. Think about those that cause the price of oil to be high. I know a fellow with five degrees, and that is what he does. The bad people are in charge. That makes me feel bad. Bad things are happening.